
■ Eco-Village/FUINDOHON CEO Greeting

A “Eco-Village/FUINDOHON” will be opened in Hiedano in Kameoka as a “legendary power spot ~TOKONAGE~” in April of this year.

This facility is one of my answers to modern society’s various problems, for example eco, stress and aging problems.
Is not a community or just a village. It is to provide a healing and regional cooperative workplace with specialty products and cultivation of natural farming of organic vegetables.

Of course, it is only a small step towards a larger plan which cannot be achieved by myself. With the understanding, guidance and cooperation from celebrities, local governments and people from various fields, I would like large flowers blooming from this facility. And, we hope that the fruits of this facility will spread from Hiedano to Kameoka, to Kyoto to the rest of Japan and the world. This is the greeting of the opening for the “Eco-Village / FUINDOHON”.Eco-Village/FUINDOHON CEO
Hisataka Tamayama


Everyone has thought about touching the soil, bathed in the light of the sun and spending everyday feeling life.
It has become a special thing for us to live naturally as creatures in a modern society Nowadays, adults are busy working and tend not to spend time with their children.

Children spend time playing games indoors and are less likely to play in nature. Because of this situation, an increasing number do not interact with people, do not move their body, do not speak to each other, leading to an increase in bullying and decrease in human relations.

Together both adults and children,
Play with mud.
Play with water.
Interact with a variety of creatures.
See how beautiful nature is.
The farm work.
I believe through the natural experience, in cooperation with others, the imagination becomes rich with improved communications skills, leading to a more fulfilling daily life.

This seems special now and commonplace but with the aim of such a place, I would like to build the eco-village step by step.Chief director
Mirei Watase